I know I have been throwing quit a few paper collections at you this week - BUT this one ...wowzers! I think Paper Rose may end up being my favorite new designer! Earlier this week I showed you Bees and Butterflies. I was awed at that collection then today they revealed Easter Memories. It's just as fantastic!! My plan is to go live tomorrow and how you Lavender and Fairies as well as Sweet Valentine and Vintage Rose.
The ETA of Easter Memories is February, however, it comes all the way from Australia - so we have to get our orders in and we want to have enough. Please look over the collection and reserve yours!
And then here is Bees and Butterflies:
I hope you'll go check out Paper Rose and their beautiful collections! As long as you are loving it - we will keep bringing it in.
I'll be talking to you all real soon - and please remember - we appreciate you!